How to print all the questions with the correct answer in an exam?

Often there are cases when you would want to quickly take a print out of all the questions in an exam. The use cases can be to conduct offline test or to proofread questions offline. In Testpress, you can easily do the same using the following steps

Steps to print all the questions and answers in an exam

  1. In the exams list, click the Actions button in the right corner
  2. In the dropdown, click Print Preview. A modal dialog will appear.
  3. In the modal dialog, select the options you would like to appear in the print output. You can select questions, answers, explanations, subject and difficulty level. Once selected, click the Preview button.
  4. Alternatively there are two shortcuts Question Paper (Prints only the questions) and Answer Sheet (Prints only the correct answers and explanations)
  5. Once in the Print Preview page, you can press Ctrl + P (Cmd + P for Mac users) to print the page

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