Create an exam with Attributes
Steps to create an exam from the blank form
If you are not already in the Exams tab, click the Exams link in the top menu
Click the green Create Exam button above the left sidebar
Provide a title for the exam. Optionally you can provide a description for the same.
Provide the start date, end date and duration of this exam in the When, To and Duration input boxes respectively. The end date (To) is optional and if left blank will make the exam run indefinitely.
Assign pass percentage, marks per question, negative marks. If you want variable marks for the question, you can check the variable marks checkbox. If you want the scoring to be rounded off to the nearest whole number, you can enable roundoff marks.
If you want your students to see their ranks, you can enable the same by checking the Enable Ranking checkbox. Provide a date on when ranks should be published. Show score, Show percentile and Show solutions to user control whether the score, percentile and solutions should be shown to the user after completing the exam.
You can control whether the student can retake the exam using the Allow retaking exam setting. The maximum allowed retakes setting can be used to limit the number of retakes. Leaving this blank will allow your users to retake an unlimited amount of attempts. If you want to prevent users from retaking immediately after completing an attempt, you can do so using the Restrict retake duration setting. This setting will prevent user from retaking for the provided value duration in minutes. This can be useful if you want to ensure your students read and review the existing attempt before quickly jumping for a retake.
Enabling Allow Review PDF Download and Allow Question PDF Download will ensure a beautifully crafted PDF copy of the student's attempts and questions get mailed to the user. The allow question PDF will additionally allow the user to download the questions PDF before attempting the exam. This can be useful if the user wants to download the question paper and try it offline.
You can provide a comma separated list of emails in the Notification emails setting. Whenever a student completes an attempt in that exam, a report of the same is sent to all the emails in that list.
You can make an exam public or private using the Access Control setting. Public exams can be accessed by anybody who has an account in the platform. Private exams are used to restrict access to students based on the batches. For more details on Private exam, check How to create a private exam? The device access control can be used to restrict access to attempt the exam from Web, mobile or both.
You can provide custom instructions before the start of an exam using the Instructions setting. The exam template setting provides option to select a UI template based on your target exam. If you don't have any or don't know what this is about, you can keep it to Default Exam Template. The Show Immediate Feedback setting will make the exam behave like a quiz with instant feedback.
You can decide the questions count to be automatically counted or specify a manual value. If you are scheduling the exam in the future, you can specify the questions count manually so that it displays the number for the user.
Exam can be categorized into different categories. You can optionally select which categories this exam belong using the Categories setting. Categories help students to filter and access exams easily. For more details on how to add a new category, check How to add a new category?